
Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties: The southern coastal area of China used to be called “Baiyue”. The history of Lingnan (referring to the lands in the south of the Nanling Mountains) civilization dates back 3000 years.

Qin Dynasty: Three commanderies, including Guilin, Xiang and Nanhai, were established in Lingnan. Panyu became the first county in Nanhai commandery.

Eastern Jin Dynasty: Dongguan commandery was split off from Nanhai commandery. The Bao'an county was then set up in Dongguan commandery. Luohu became a part of Bao'an county.

Ming Dynasty: Xin'an county was established, covering the present Shenzhen city and Hong Kong area.

Qing Dynasty: The name “Shenzhen Xu”, or “Shenzhen Market”, was first documented in 1688. Shenzhen Xu was one of the most traditional and popular commercial areas, with the area around the Dongmen being the most vigorous.

In 1911, the Guangzhou-Kowloon Railway connecting Hong Kong with Guangzhou, Dongguan and other places opened to traffic. The line set up a Shenzhen station, which was located in Luohu. A large number of passengers and goods were transported here, boosting the development of local industry and business, which made Shenzhen Xu a more popular place.

In Jan, 1979, Shenzhen city was established. Luohu district was later founded in March the same year. It is a county-level administrative division of Shenzhen municipal government.

In August, 1980, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was established, and Luohu is one of the administrative districts in Shenzhen SEZ.

In August, 1981, the Luohu District Communist Party of China (CPC) and Luohu District People's Government were established, which are the party committee and government agency at primary level, respectively.

In 1992, Luohu district was established as the administrative region at the deputy departmental level.

Since 2003, Luohu district has set up 10 subdistricts.

  • Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dynasties

  • Qin Dynasty

  • Eastern Jin Dynasty

  • Ming Dynasty

  • Qing Dynasty

  • 1911

  • 1979

  • 1980

  • 1981

  • 1992

  • 2003

Sungang Sub-district

Guiyuan Sub-district

Nanhu Sub-district

Huangbei Sub-district

Liantang Sub-district

Donghu Sub-district

Dongxiao Sub-district

Qingshuihe Sub-district

Cuizhu Sub-district

Dongmen Sub-district

  • Panoramic view of Luohu
  • Luohu Bridge
  • Shenzhen Reservoir
  • Shenzhen River
  • Donghu
  • Dongmen
  • Heping Road
  • New Reservoir Village
  • Guomao Building
  • First McDonald's on the Chinese mainland
  • Luohu Port
  • Wenjindu Port
  • Yumin Village

Renmin South CBD

In the 1980s and '90s, Renmin South CBD became a popular shopping site in Shenzhen. In recent years, the Luohu government has increased investment to renovate the business district. [more]

Caiwuwei CBD

Known as the “Fashion Capital in Asia,” Caiwuwei CBD in Luohu is home to many of the biggest luxury commercial brands.[more]

Dongmen CBD

Dongmen is one of the most dynamic and representative business districts in Shenzhen. Its predecessor was the bustling Shenzhen Xu (Shenzhen Market).[more]

Shuibei Jewelry Zone

There is a saying in China's jewelry community: "For jewelry in China, look to Shenzhen, and for jewelry in Shenzhen, look to Shuibei.”[more]

HALO Place

HALO Place accommodates many around-the-clock businesses, including acclaimed restaurants, trendy bars, leisure and entertainment venues, and fashion and retail stores. [more]

Hongling Innovative Financial Industrial Belt

Located in Sungang subdistrict, the Hongling Innovative Financial Industry Belt is home to the headquarters of .... [more]
Luohu Library
Luohu Art Museum
Huifeng Museum of Ancient Pottery
Shenzhen Curio World
Shenzhen Grand Theater
Shenzhen National Cartoon and Animation Industry Base
Art Design Center
Luohu Gymnasium
Dongmen Food Street
Leyuan Road-Seafood Street
Fenghuang Road-Food Street
Halo Plaza Bar Street
The Tians' paper cuts
Snuff bottles
The Yaos' Wing Chun
Wutong Mountain
Wutong Greenway
Taojinshan Greenway
Shenzhen River
Fairy Lake Botanical Garden
Honghu Park
Donghu Park
Xiangsilin Park

Railway Station


Urban Villages

Tianbei Village

With a history of more than 400 years, Tianbei village can be traced back to the late Ming (1368-1644) and early Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. In the spring of 1979, as part of plans to develop the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Tianbei village provided land for use in construction projects. In 1984, villagers demolished old houses and built new ones to meet the long-term development requirements of the village, ushering in a new chapter.

In the early 1990s, the Tianbei Building Materials Market gradually took shape in the village. Joint-stock companies there seized the opportunity and took the lead by transforming first-floor residences into special shops for domestic and foreign building material products. Today, the Tianbei Building Materials Street has become a household name and enjoys a high reputation and great influence in Shenzhen and its surrounding areas. Tianbei Building Materials Market is a pioneer and incubator of the professional market of Shenzhen's building materials industry.

In 2006, Tianbei village showcased its pioneering spirit in another area. It demolished 80 Western-style houses and built "Tianbei Garden," consisting of five 32-story commercial and residential buildings with a height of 99.8 meters each. This was the first old village renovation project funded and built by villagers themselves after Shenzhen introduced its urban village renovation policy in 2004. The "Tianbei Model" has since become an example for urban renewal.

< Yumin Village

Aoxia Village >

Urban Villages

Aoxia Village

Aoxia village in Liantang subdistrict is located along the Guowei Road in Luohu's old town of Shenzhen city. There are many industrial areas, attracting a great number of migrant workers. There are more than 150 households in local villages, among which more than 90 are from the Deng family. As one of the region's major families, the Dengs originated from Henan province and later immigrated to Fujian and Guangdong provinces in Song dynasty, which has a long history and huge population. Given names of the descendants of the Deng family are Jin, Yu, Man and Tang.

The Deng Ancestral Hall in Aoxia village has a history of over 700 years. The villagers regarded Deng Zhongbi as their earliest ancestor and the Deng family can trace their lineage back 30 generations so far. Since the ancestral hall was rebuilt in 1999, the villages have held events to worship their ancestors on the Lantern Festival every year. The Deng family is regarded as the most famous family in Hong Kong. Villagers have held grand events to celebrate the 10th and 15th anniversaries, and people of the Deng family even came from Hong Kong in the early morning to attend such events.

< Tianbei Village

Hubei Village >

Urban Villages

Hubei Village

Hubei village, located at the commercial center of Luohu, has a history of more than 500 years. A hundred years ago, the village was also a part of Shenzhen Xu (Shenzhen Market). When the People's Republic of China was founded, it became one of the largest villages in Bao'an county. The old Hubei village was located to the north of Hubei Road and boasts more than 500 ancient dwellings and other buildings, including ancestral halls, gate towers and wells, all the presenting a typical southern Guangdong style.

In the 1980s, with the development of reform and opening-up, the residents gradually moved out of the old village into new homes to its west, which became known as new Hubei village. The sparsely inhabited old village was later rented out to migrant workers. Urban renewal has injected new vitality into Hubei village. In the future, it will constitute a new shining symbol of Shenzhen by becoming a giant comprehensive commercial center integrating shopping, headquarter offices, conference and exhibition centers, five-star hotels, apartment buildings and parks.

< Aoxia Village

Huangbeiling Village >

Urban Villages

Huangbeiling Village

Huangbeiling, named after a small mountain “Huangbei”, is an ancient village with a history of over 550 years and. The village is located in the north of Shennandong road and Yanhebei road, and the east of Qingping road and Fenghuang road. The renovation project of Huangbeiling village started in 2011 and competed in 2017. It now has been built into an urban complex integrating various business forms, which is home to a criss-cross of old streets, handshake buildings and high-end residential communities, demonstrating Huangbeiling's continuous efforts in renovating villages in the city.

Walking on the streets of Huangbeiling, people may get a glimpse of local residents' life. There are villagers playing chess in the pavilion, an old man gently fanning himself with a cattail leaf fan, and a group of the elderly sitting together drinking tea, playing cards, chatting and laughing. The village is also home to people who have dreams in pursuing their careers in Shenzhen. Many migrant workers choose the village as their first stop in Shenzhen. Here, people can enjoy themselves not only in a park, but also in the Shenzhen Reservoir, the Shenzhen Art Museum, Luohu Sports and Leisure Park……

< Aoxia Village

Xiangxi Village >

Urban Villages

Xiangxi Village

The history of Xiangxi village dates back more than 600 years. In the 1980s, Luohu was the first area developed in Shenzhen, where the Guomao Building was built. Its fast construction process was termed the “Shenzhen speed”. The construction area of the Guomao Building belongs to the farmland of Xiangxi village. The village committee decided to invest all the land acquisition compensation in developing business, building factories, infrastructure construction. Therefore, Xiangxi village has gained new momentum.

In 1992, China welcomed a new round of reform and opening up. Encouraged by the government, Xiangxi village started the process of rural urbanization, introducing the shareholding system and reforming the system of collective ownership, so that every household can participate in developing Xiangxi village.

The Zhang family have lived in Luohu for many years. They have held sacrificial ceremonies in Spring and Autumn for over 600 years. In the first half of the 20th century, the sacrificial ceremonies in Autumn were suspended in Xiangxi village several times due to the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and was also suspended for nearly 40 years from 1949 to 1988. It was not until 1988 when Yanhu was developed that the traditional customs of ancestral worship began to recover and to be passed on to the present. During every sacrificial ceremony in Autumn, villagers under 60 will get up in the middle of the night, bring food and walk to the graveyard in Yantian to worship their ancestors.

< Huangbeiling Village

Caiwuwei >

Urban Villages


According to historical research, the Cai family is the descendant of the great scholar Cai Yuanding of the Southern Song dynasty. Since Cai'an, the earliest ancestor of the Cai family, left Fujian province and settled in Dongguan, the ancestors of the Cai family began to write the history of their contacts with Cantonese people. In the late Qing dynasty, the name of “Caiwuwei” was officially marked on maps and documented, which signaled that the Cai family finally gained a firm foothold here.

Only 30 years ago, the Central Business District of Luohu was a village called Caiwuwei. The village has since been transformed into a joint-stock cooperative company, turning villagers into landlords and property managers.

The Caiwuwei company was one of the first village-turned-equity cooperative companies in Shenzhen to explore financial investments, perhaps on account of the influence of the business district where it was founded.

During the economic boom in Luohu, there were 35 enterprises in the Caiwuwei area, including factories of motors, toys, umbrellas and clothing, covering all aspects of life. In 1992, when Shenzhen promoted rural urbanization, Caiwuwei actively participated in the reform of management system to advance the rural urbanization, and established the Caiwuwei Co., Ltd.. Farmers in Caiwuwei became the shareholders of the company, enjoying profits and dividends of the company, with their status changing from famers to urban residents.

This represents a new stage of the village company’s development as it diverts more attention to financial investment from real estate and fixed assets investment.When the 441.8-meter KingKey 100 tower was finished in Caiwuwei in 2011, it became the highest building in Shenzhen at the time, bringing wide attention to the village.

The Caiwuwei company attaches great importance to controlling investment risk in financial investment to ensure the preservation and appreciation of collective assets. In the cooperation model, the Caiwuwei company is the investor, the supervisor is the government department, and the manager is Shenzhen Investment Holdings. To ensure the security of the fund, the Luohu district government has established a risk compensation mechanism.

According to the Caiwuwei company, it plans to transform the village into a “financial village” to carry out fund management and the business related to the disposal of non-performing assets in the future.

Caiwuwei is located in Luohu Finance Center, where the Bank of China, Ping An Finance Center and other financial giants are located. Backed by such a huge financial system and technical and theoretical support, Caiwuwei Co., Ltd. led its shareholders to invest and pursued a transformation of development path. In the meanwhile, investment corporates helped some micro- and small-sized companies to raise financing. This kind of win-win cooperation set an example for Caiwuwei's future development.

< Xiangxi Village

Shenzhen Xu >

Urban Villages

Shenzhen Xu

“Zhen” means valley or drainage in Chinese. The literal meaning of Shenzhen is “deep drainage”. A number of people chose to build shacks and villages along the deep drainage. By Ming dynasty, there were Sungang village, Chikan village ( today's Caiwuwei), Luohu village, Getang village (Today's Shuibei), Xiangxi village, Hubei village and Huangbeiling village. As time goes by, Nantang village had become a place where multiple communities lived. “Xu” means “market” in hakka Chinese language. As rural population increased, Shenzhen Xu had gained in popularity. Shenzhen Xu began to take shape as a dozen streets of different sizes came into being in the market which had regular operating hours later.

In 1911, the Guangzhou-Kowloon Railway opened to traffic, which became a major transportation artery in the city, continuously injecting dynamism to the city. Shenzhen Xu therefore became a significant gateway in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. In 1979, the city was officially named as “Shenzhen”, while Shenzhen Xu was renamed as “Dongmen Old Street”. Dongmen Old Street runs north to Lixin Road, south to Shennan Road, and east to Dongmen Zhong Road. “Dongmen” refers to the east gate, one of the four gates in Shenzhen Xu, which is located at the junction of Dongmen Zhong Road and Jiefang Road. From “Shenzhen Xu” in Qing dynasty to the present “Dongmen Old Street”, the market has witnessed a prosperous history of more than 300 years. As the root of Shenzhen entrepreneurs, Shenzhen Xu has witnessed significant changes in business development of Shenzhen and is also the epitome of a city pursuing reform and opening-up.

< Caiwuwei

Yumin Village >

Urban Villages

Yumin Village

Yumin (“fishermen” in English) village is located in Nanhu subdistrict of Luohu, across the river from Hong Kong. Despite covering an area of only 0.25 square kilometers, this piece of land has created a legend of prosperity in the process of urbanization.

Beginning in the 1930s, fishermen from the city of Dongguan traveled down the Dongjiang River to Humen town. When crossing Luohu Bridge, they found that the Shenzhen River boasted large schools of fish and so decided to settle in what today is Yumin village. The fishermen made their living catching fish and shrimps and lived on their boats. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the assistance of the government, the fishermen came ashore and began to settle on land, thereby gradually forming the village.

The year 1992 was another turning point for Yumin village. That year, Shenzhen further promoted rural urbanization. As a result, the village was reclassified as a community and the villagers turned from farmers to citizens. Yufeng Co. Ltd., one of the first batch of village-run joint-stock companies in the country, was also established. The villagers became shareholders with each receiving a dividend of more than 10,000 yuan every year. In addition, migration into the area due to reform and opening-up also brought large rental incomes to Yumin village.

By the end of the 20th century, due to a lack of long-term planning and significantly rising demands for rental housing brought about by the surge in migrant workers in Shenzhen, higher and denser buildings were established in the village. In 2001, the old, disorderly Yumin village was demolished and rebuilt. The new Yumin village has become a modern "garden-style" residential area with a total of 12 buildings and more than 1,300 apartments. The spacious and bright houses are not only snug homes for the villagers, but also havens for workers migrating to Shenzhen.

In the new era, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the building of Shenzhen into a pilot demonstration area for socialism with Chinese characteristics have brought new development opportunities to Yumin village. The collective economy, cultural life, community-level governance and people's livelihood services have been further improved. From rundown shacks to tiled adobe homes and small Western-style buildings, and then to modern high-rise apartments, through the renovation of urban villages, Yumin village has witnessed villagers' journey toward happier lives and the development constitutes an epitome of Shenzhen's brilliant achievements in reform and opening-up over the past 40 years.

< Shenzhen Xu

Tianbei Village >

Business Districts

Renmin South CBD

In the 1980s and '90s, Renmin South CBD became a popular shopping site in Shenzhen. In recent years, the Luohu government has increased investment to renovate the business district. Today, more than 300 top-500 enterprises in technology, finance, real estate and other sectors have settled here, giving the over-30-year-old business district on Renmin South Road a brand-new look.

< Hongling Innovative Financial Industrial Belt

Caiwuwei CBD >

Business Districts

Caiwuwei CBD

Known as the “Fashion Capital in Asia,” Caiwuwei CBD in Luohu is home to many of the biggest luxury commercial brands. Fashion products favored by domestic and foreign stars or high-end luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada and Rolex are available for customers.

High-quality commercial areas such as MixC, KK Mall and King Glory Plaza are also located in Caiwuwei. The business district has witnessed the Shenzhen's urban development and successive establishment of such landmark structures as the Guomao Building (160 m), Diwang Building (383.95 m) and KK100 Tower (441.8 m). The district also features the Shenzhen Grand Theater, Youth Square, Shenzhen Workers' Cultural Palace - Stadium, and other municipal supporting facilities.

As a traditional financial center, Caiwuwei CBD is also home to a large number of financial giants.

< Renmin South CBD

Dongmen CBD >

Business Districts

Dongmen CBD

Dongmen is one of the most dynamic and representative business districts in Shenzhen. Its predecessor was the bustling Shenzhen Xu (Shenzhen Market).

The business district features a host of department stores selling affordable products, such as the Maoye Department Store and Sun Department Store, as well as a wide range of specialty food options, including the traditional Dongmen Ding food street, Temple Street and other food streets. With cinemas, theaters and video game arcades, Dongmen also provides diverse leisure and entertainment options, making it the perfect place for locals and tourists to enjoy themselves.

< Caiwuwei CBD

Shuibei Jewelry Zone >

Business Districts

Shuibei Jewelry Zone

There is a saying in China's jewelry community: "For jewelry in China, look to Shenzhen, and for jewelry in Shenzhen, look to Shuibei.” Shuibei International Jewelry Trading Center is the largest jewelry distribution center in China, with hundreds of renowned jewelers located here.

From 2006 to 2021, with the help of the platform of China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair, the trading center has fully demonstrated the charm of Chinese jewelry and greatly promoted China's jewelry industry on the international stage. More and more internationally renowned jewelry brands such as Swarovski, Chow Tai Fook, Luk Fook and Chow Sang Sang, have established stable cooperation relations with the trading center.

Nowadays, the Shuibei-Buxin area has injected new vitality into the gold and jewelry business, making Shenzhen a bridge for exchanges between the gold industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Chinese mainland.

< Dongmen CBD

HALO Place >

Business Districts

HALO Place

HALO Place accommodates many around-the-clock businesses, including acclaimed restaurants, trendy bars, leisure and entertainment venues, and fashion and retail stores. It is home to several well-known brands, such as Huawei, Watsons, and HEYTEA.

As the first commercial complex in Sungang subdistrict, HALO Place provides a must-see leisure destination for people in the city.

< Shuibei Jewelry Zone

Hongling Innovative Financial Industrial Belt >

Business Districts

Hongling Innovative Financial Industrial Belt

Located in Sungang subdistrict, the Hongling Innovative Financial Industry Belt is home to the headquarters of many large companies and financial institutions and their transnational branches, including the headquarters of Ping An Bank, banking and insurance regulatory authorities, and a foreign exchange trading center.

New areas featuring artistic experiences, fashion, entertainment, and culture are under construction. Seven major urban renewal projects along the Hongling Road from south to north have been planned, which are expected to provide space for the incubation and growth of many small- and medium-sized enterprises. In the future, the industry belt intends to provide a home for the world's top 50 financial technology companies and bring Luohu to a higher level of international recognition.

< HALO Place

Renmin South CBD >

Art spaces

Luohu Library

With construction beginning in 1985, Luohu Library was put into use in September 1998. Apart from the main library area, it comprises several themed areas. For example, the Thousands of Hand-painted Picture Books Room has a collection of up to 20,000 outstanding picture books from China and the rest of the world, making it very popular among children.

Luohu Library offers online borrowing services, and readers can pick up books at the library or mailed to them via express delivery.

< Luohu Gymnasium

Ulibraries >

Art spaces


There were 22 Ulibraries in Luohu district by November 2020, providing services to many communities.

Ulibrary lays great stress on spatial design and overall amenities, and hosts as many as 13 types of themed activities, such as reading and children's English clubs. Hence, it is a place for reading and working and an important space for building stronger communities.

< Luohu Library

Luohu Art Museum >

Art spaces

Luohu Art Museum

The Luohu Art Museum was officially opened to the public free of charge in February 2017, providing valuable public services. It holds themed exhibitions regularly.

The art museum includes an exhibition halls and an outdoor square. Its six exhibition halls and academic lecture hall meet international standards, clearly defining educational discussion spaces and public service areas. Besides exhibiting fine art, it conducts academic research and educates the public.

< Ulibraries

Huifeng Museum of Ancient Pottery >

Art spaces

Huifeng Museum of Ancient Pottery

The Huifeng Museum of Ancient Pottery was established in April 2013 with the approval of the Luohu culture and sports authority. It is a private museum of ancient Chinese pottery.

The museum is home to over 850 pieces of ancient pottery, including those from several major prehistoric cultures of China from over 8,000 years ago. Its exhibitions include pottery from the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Warring States, Han, and Tang dynasties.

< Luohu Art Museum

Shenzhen Curio World >

Art spaces

Shenzhen Curio World

With a total area of 150,000 square meters and a building area of 80,000 square meters, Shenzhen Curio World is home to 2,000 stores, selling jewelry, gemstone, jade, calligraphy, painting, curio, mahogany furniture, handmade artwork, and other antiques. Every one of the stores is a dictionary of expertise.

It requires not just luck and money to navigate the antique industry but a deep understanding of the historical, cultural, and artistic value behind collectibles. Some collectors may not get a financial return from years of effort, but they gain mental wealth. Collectors can detect the law of economic development in different dynasties by collecting ancient coins, find more poetic and artistic interpretations of life from calligraphy and paintings by historical figures, and gain a better understanding of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism from collecting jade.

< Huifeng Museum of Ancient Pottery

Shenzhen Grand Theater >

Art spaces

Shenzhen Grand Theater

The Shenzhen Grand Theater was officially opened in 1989. Construction began in 1984 and was funded by the government. After a major renovation in 2004, it took on a brand-new look.

At "the elegant hall of art" in Shenzhen, people can enjoy performances that combine symphonies and classic songs by outstanding singers and appreciate beautiful songs, delicate costumes, graceful postures and gestures. The theatre hosts modern dramas around the world, where you will find characters with distinctive personalities and plots that are bizarre but logical.

By the end of 2020, Shenzhen Grand Theater had received 2,697 performance troupes, and run 3,832 performances, attracting an audience of 3.65 million people. It is a paradise of art in Shenzhen.

< Shenzhen Curio World

Shenzhen National Cartoon and Animation Industry Base >

Art spaces

Shenzhen National Cartoon and Animation Industry Base

Established in Luohu in 2006, Shenzhen National Cartoon and Animation Industry Base has gathered many excellent cartoon and animation creators from China and abroad to contribute to more creative experiences at China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair. By the end of 2021, the industry base had produced and exported more than 200,000 minutes of animation in total. The industry base's original animations are increasingly going global as the animation production capacity of the city increases. For example, the "Detective Winkey Cat" series has been exported to Türkiye, and "The Story of Hanbagui" to Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam.

Many original animation companies in Shenzhen have risen from here, and the industry base where they started has cultivated numerous outstanding talents for the animation industry. In the new era, the industry base in Luohu will serve the Greater Bay Area and embrace the world.

< Shenzhen Grand Theater

Art Design Center >

Art spaces

Art Design Center

Founded in 2000, Art Design Center (ADC) has gathered 1,650 brand exhibition halls over 200,000 square meters. It is a leader in fashionable home décor art in China.

This "museum of life aesthetics" immerses visitors into designers' diverse understandings of home. By interpreting various everyday scenes, ADC nurtures more possibilities of home and offers people a feast of home décor culture. In today's world, decorating one's home goes beyond furniture; it is the art of decorating life.

< Shenzhen National Cartoon and Animation Industry Base

Luohu Gymnasium >

Art spaces

Luohu Gymnasium

Luohu Gymnasium was the first one built in the district and a multi-functional, smart and comprehensive sports venue open to the public. It provides venues for people to exercise, such as an indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, and children's water slide.

Its stadium has hosted various sporting events, such as the basketball heats of the Universiade 2011 and the 2012 Fed Cup.

< Art Design Center

Luohu Library >

Tasty Luohu

Dongmen Food Street

Dongmen Food Street is popular for its wide range of reasonably priced delicacies. The foods on offer include hot and sour rice noodles, Guilin rice noodles, Peking roast duck, roasted lamb chops, tangyuan (a type of sweet rice dumplings usually eaten on the Lantern Festival), Wuhan hot-dry noodles with sesame paste, Taipei steak, and stinky tofu.

You can enjoy delicacies from all across China on Dongmen Food Street.

< Halo Plaza Bar Street

Leyuan Road-Seafood Street >

Tasty Luohu

Leyuan Road-Seafood Street

Whether simply boiled or fried with red peppers, the seafood on Leyuan Road is delicious. Besides the many restaurants, there is also a large market where visitors can buy freshly caught seafood.

< Dongmen Food Street

Fenghuang Road-Food Street >

Tasty Luohu

Fenghuang Road-Food Street

The Cantonese barbecued meat on Fenghuang Road has a unique flavor. Many people come here to enjoy their favorite dishes with friends and family or to take away and savor at home. The food here is popular among the residents of Luohu, especially as a way to remind themselves of the old days.

< Leyuan Road-Seafood Street

Halo Plaza Bar Street >

Tasty Luohu

Halo Plaza Bar Street

Halo Plaza Bar Street is the first street in Luohu where clusters of bars are located, which adds vitality to the nightlife in the district. People can enjoy themselves and unwind in the area's wide range of bars and restaurants.

< Fenghuang Road-Food Street

Dongmen Food Street >

Traditional Crafts

The Tians' paper cuts

Chinese paper cuts boast a long history, with the oldest believed to be 1,500 years old, discovered in Turpan, Xinjiang. Different paper cuts imply different meanings, but most convey warm wishes for happiness, longevity, wealth, and auspices.

The Tians' paper cuts combine the paper-cutting art of both northern and southern China and carry profound value. The paper cut patterns include figures, animals, birds, and flowers and are mainly used in the Spring Festival, weddings, ceremonial occasions and embroidery.

< The Yaos' Wing Chun

Snuff bottles >

Traditional Crafts

Snuff bottles

Snuff bottle paintings are painted inside transparent or semitransparent snuff bottles with special small and curved bamboo sticks.

Snuff bottles entered China in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. They instantly became all the rage in the imperial court and upper class with their delicate appearance and unique craftsmanship. Dignitaries back then often wore a snuff bottle around the waist as a symbol of identity.

< The Tians' paper cuts

Bone-setting >

Traditional Crafts


Bone-setting refers to treating diseases like fractures and dislocations utilizing pushing, pulling, pressing, and other traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) manipulations. It is one of the 13 branches of ancient TCM. The bone-setting manipulations that we talk about nowadays boast a history of over 200 years and represent a large academic school of TCM orthopedics in China.

The Pingle Guos' orthopedics was included on the national intangible cultural heritage protection list in 2008. The Pingle Guos' orthopedics clinic was listed as a key specialized hospital in Shenzhen in 2009. This accomplishment was made possible by the strong support of the Shenzhen's intangible cultural heritage authority and the excellent medical skills of the Pingle Guos.

< Snuff bottles

The Yaos' Wing Chun >

Traditional Crafts

The Yaos' Wing Chun

A martial arts practitioner lives among the high-rise buildings of Luohu — a ninth-generation inheritor of the Yaos' Wing Chun. The movements of Wing Chun are dynamic and fun.

In learning Wing Chun, people would gain new ways of thinking and insights into life. Wing Chun stresses both frequency and strength but does not require them simultaneously.

< Bone-setting

The Tians' paper cuts >

Luohu Scenery

Wutong Mountain

On Dec. 31, 2009, Wutong Mountain was listed as a national-level scenic spot by the State Council. With a height of 947.7 meters, its main peak is the highest in Shenzhen.

Wutong Mountain is home to the world's only urban natural forest of large azalea trees. March and April are blooming season for the mountain's azaleas, making the scenery a must-see in spring. The Wutong Mountain scenic spot features several paths for visitors to help facilitate their sightseeing experience.

< Xiangsilin Park

Wutong Greenway >

Luohu Scenery

Wutong Greenway

The Wutong Greenway in Luohu district is hailed as the most beautiful greenway in Shenzhen. It integrates mountains, rivers and lakes, entertainment activities, ecological conservation and cultural functions, and sets an example for protecting rivers as well as improving people's living environment.

With a total length of 15 kilometers, the Wutong Greenway has three routes. The first is 7.2 kilometers long and features an abundance of natural scenery. Linking scenic spots including Donghu Park, Shenzhen Reservoir and Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, it is the most popular route along the greenway.

The second route is lined with fruit trees. With a total length of 3.8 kilometers, it links Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, a fruit farm, a litchi orchard and Binlang Park.

The final route stretches 4 kilometers along the Wutongshan (Wutong Mountain) River and ends at the Wutong courier station. It passes Boya Museum, Wutong Mountain scenic spot, and Wutong Culture and Sports Park.

< Wutong Mountain

Taojinshan Greenway >

Luohu Scenery

Taojinshan Greenway

Located on the west side of the Shenzhen Reservoir in Luohu district, the Taojinshan Greenway opened in September 2019. Covering a total length of 7.07 kilometers, the greenway has four themed routes, a total of 13 scenic spots, as well as three service stations where visitors can enjoy a rest.

< Wutong Greenway

Shenzhen River >

Luohu Scenery

Shenzhen River

The 37-kilometer-long Shenzhen River in the Pearl River Basin originates from Niuweiling on Wutong Mountain. The river passes through the districts of Luohu, Futian and Nanshan, before joining the Lingdingyang waters.

Rows of skyscrapers line the river, demonstrating the vitality and prosperity of Luohu district.

< Taojinshan Greenway

Fairy Lake Botanical Garden >

Luohu Scenery

Fairy Lake Botanical Garden

Fairy Lake Botanical Garden opened to the public in 1988. Covering an area of 546 hectares, it serves multiple functions, including species conservation, scientific research, science popularizing as well as sightseeing.

As a national AAAA scenic spot, Fairy Lake Botanical Garden was listed as a national key park in 2008.

< Shenzhen River

Honghu Park >

Luohu Scenery

Honghu Park

Honghu Park features a wide expanse of lotus flowers and is famous for its water activities. Since the first Honghu Park Lotus Exhibition in 1988, the park has held 30 sessions of the exhibition. Here, visitors can appreciate exhibitions of calligraphy, paintings, photography, handicrafts and stamps, as well as events along the theme of lotuses. One of the most popular activities in the park is searching for “bingdilian,” or twin lotus flowers growing on one stalk.

Seen as a symbol of blessings and joy, bingdilian are extremely rare with an incidence rate of 1 in 100,000.

< Fairy Lake Botanical Garden

Donghu Park >

Luohu Scenery

Donghu Park

As the first comprehensive municipal park in Shenzhen, Donghu Park in the east of the city covers an area of 152.29 hectares. The park is situated to the west of Wutong Mountain, east of Yanhe Road, north of Shensha Road and south of Aiguo Road.

Having opened to the public in 1966, Donghu Park is a provincial-level tourist attraction with 12 scenic areas and more than 120 scenic spots. The park features dense forests and lucid waters.

< Honghu Park

Xiangsilin Park >

Luohu Scenery

Xiangsilin Park

Xiangsilin Park is home to a large swath of acacia trees, called “xiangsi” in Chinese, hence the park's name. There are almost 20 sightseeing spots in the park.

A household waste sorting education center located inside the park covers an area of 1,650 square meters. The center is designed to raise public awareness of garbage sorting, display artworks made from garbage, and conduct waste-related experiments.

< Donghu Park

Wutong Mountain >

Sungang Sub-district

Sungang Sub-district covers an area of 4.03 square kilometers and has a population of about 97,000. It is the first place locals go when they need to buy stationery, furniture, and cars.

At the end of the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), He Zhen, a person of note in Southern Guangdong, moved here and upon seeing the booming bamboo shoots growing on the hills, named it "Sungang Village" (sun "筍" and gang "崗" meaning bamboo shoots and hills, respectively).

In 2018, locals voted to identify Sungang's top 10 cultural landmarks. They include Sungang Warehouse, Honghu Park, Hibiscus Bridge, and Rainbow Bridge. As time goes by, Sungang has taken on a brand-new look.

AKD Luxury Cars Mall in Sungang, opened in 2013, is the world's largest dealer of second-hand cars. It has nearly 73,000 square meters of exhibition space, equivalent to 12 Porsche museums, 14 Ferrari museums, and 10 standard football fields. The exhibition hall displays 3,000 cars, covering more than 500 car models and 100-plus car brands, including Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, and Porsche.

Founded in 2000, the Art Design Center (ADC) has gathered 1,650 brand exhibition halls over 200,000 square meters, making it one of the largest home décor-themed shopping malls in China.

This "museum of life aesthetics" immerses visitors into designers' diverse understandings of home. By interpreting various everyday scenes, ADC nurtures the greater possibilities of "home" and offers people a feast of décor and culture. Whether it's imported furniture, home accessories, classic lighting, home textiles, floral decorations, or table furnishings, visitors will always find something that they like.

Baoneng Global is the first large commercial complex in Sungang. Covering an area of 85,000 square meters, it is home to more than 130 fashion brands, many of which are the bands' first stores in Sungang and even in Luohu. Visitors can find various entertainment activities and delicacies here.

HALO Palace accommodates many around-the-clock businesses, including acclaimed restaurants, trendy bars, leisure and entertainment venues, and fashion and retail stores. It is home to several well-known brands, such as Huawei, Watsons, and HEYTEA. As the first commercial complex in Sungang Sub-district, HALO Palace provides a must-see leisure destination for people in the city.

Shenye Futai Palace, covering an area of 1 million square meters, is a complex integrating business offices, residential apartments, and hotels, among other accommodations. Citymark Centre has a total construction area of 180,000 square meters and a height of 388 meters and is a complex for company headquarters, executive meeting halls, and luxury clubs. Zhouzhoufang, which is expected to be completed at the end of 2023, will become a cultural, design, exhibition, and creativity center in Shenzhen. Zhouhezhuang Building, after completion, will become a cultural and creative industry R&D base for jewelry and decorations.

In the future, about 4 million square meters of high-quality industrial space forming 15 urban renewal projects, will be launched.

< Dongmen Sub-district

Guiyuan Sub-district >

Guiyuan Sub-district

Guiyuan Sub-district is not to be missed when visiting Luohu. Despite accounting for only 3% of Luohu's total area, it has the largest economic volume in the district. Its GDP in 2021 made up one-third of Luohu's total, and its tax revenue reached more than 22 billion yuan in 2020

Covering an area of 2.3 square kilometers, it has a host of landmarks, including the KK100 Tower, the Diwang Building, the KK Mall, MixC, and the Shenzhen Grand Theater.

The sub-district used to be covered by paddy fields and fish ponds, yet now it is home to high-rise and high-end buildings.

Locals can be seen shopping even at 10 p.m. in the MixC in Guiyuan, which ranks first among Luohu's shopping malls. In MixC, visitors can enjoy themselves in international brands' flagship stores and fashion boutiques, treat themselves to delicious food, watch movies, and experience skating in a standard-size indoor ice rink, among other activities. Always following fashion, MixC is a "spokesperson" for Luohu's modern, internationalized, and high-quality development.

The KK100 Tower and Diwang Building are called the "twin stars" of Luohu. Completed in 2011, the KK100 Tower is 441.8 meters high. It is home to 74% of Shenzhen's banking institutions, 80% of its insurance institutions, and 40% of its securities institutions, attracting many Global Fortune 500 companies to want to settle here. The Diwang Building has stood for 26 years and is counted among the first batch of Shenzhen's historical buildings.

The Shenzhen Grand Theater was officially opened in 1989, and, following major renovations in 2004, has taken on a brand-new look.

At "the elegant hall of art" in Shenzhen, people can enjoy performances that combine symphonies and classic songs by outstanding singers and appreciate beautiful songs, delicate costumes, and graceful choreography.

By the end of 2020, the Shenzhen Grand Theater had received 2,697 performance troupes and hosted 3,832 performances, attracting an audience of 3.65 million people. It is a paradise of art in Shenzhen.

Wenheyou features many popular restaurants and is also an attraction that should not be missed. Its retro decorations and modern services are a symbol of new business forms with a nostalgic twist. In 2021, when it opened, more than 10,000 diners came to eat here in under 15 minutes, hitting a new record.

Known as the "Fashion Capital in Asia," Caiwuwei CBD in Guiyuan is home to many of the biggest luxury commercial brands. Fashion products favored by domestic and foreign stars or high-end luxury brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, and Rolex, are available. As a traditional financial center, Caiwuwei CBD is also home to many financial giants.

Caiwuwei Hotel, which opened in 1984 and was renovated in 2005, was established thanks to reform and opening up. Jingji Jingdu Hotel, a famous building in Shenzhen in the 1980s, has a large number of rooms, luxurious facilities, and a distinctive design. It has been rated as one of the "Top 10 Excellent Star Hotels in Shenzhen."

Currently, Caiwuwei is advancing its urban renovation project with an estimated investment of 103 billion yuan, which will release 1.2 million square meters of industrial space.

< Sungang Sub-district

Nanhu Sub-district >

Nanhu Sub-district

Nanhu Sub-district spreads from Wenjin Road in the east to Buji River in the west and from Shennan Road in the north to Shenzhen River in the south. Covering an area of 2.75 square kilometers, it contains 14 communities, including Wenjin, Luohu, and Yucun, and has a population of about 190,000.

Nanhu Sub-district is located in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone's urban area, developing early and quickly into a bustling commercial, trade, and financial center. It is also adjacent to the New Territories of Hong Kong and boasts Luohu Port and Wenjindu Port.

Luohu Port in Nanhu is the first port connecting Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland and also the port with the largest passenger flow between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Renmin South CBD is also located in Nanhu. In the 1980s and '90s, the CBD became a popular shopping area in Shenzhen. In recent years, the Luohu government has increased investment to renovate the business district. Today, more than 300 top-500 enterprises in technology, finance, real estate, and other sectors have settled here, giving the over-30-year-old business district a brand-new look.

Nanhu has ancient villages with a history of more than 600 years, boasts a glimmering Guomao Building, and celebrates an annual autumn sacrificial ceremony during Chongyang Festival (or Double Ninth Festival). The first village with ten-thousand-yuan households (defined as households with an annual income of more than 10,000 yuan) in the country also originated in the sub-district: Yumin ("fishermen" in English) Village.

Despite covering an area of only 0.25 square kilometers, Yumin Village, across the river from Hong Kong, is a landmark for prosperity, having ridden on the back of urbanization.

Beginning in the 1930s, fishermen from the city of Dongguan traveled down the Dongjiang River to Humen Town. When crossing Luohu Bridge, they found that the Shenzhen River boasted large schools of fish and so they decided to settle in what today is Yumin Village. The fishermen made their living catching fish and shrimp and lived on their boats. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the assistance of the government, the fishermen came ashore and began to settle on land; thus, a village gradually formed.

The year 1992 was another turning point for Yumin Village. That year, Shenzhen further promoted rural urbanization. Yufeng Co. Ltd., one of the first batches of village-run joint-stock companies in the country, was established. The villagers became shareholders in the project, with each receiving a dividend of more than 10,000 yuan each year.

In the new era, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the building of Shenzhen into a pilot demonstration area for socialism with Chinese characteristics brought new development opportunities to Yumin Village. Building rundown shacks into tiled adobe homes and small Western-style buildings into modern high-rise apartments, villagers now live a happy and satisfying life thanks to the renovation of their villages.

The village has a 350-meter-long cultural corridor and a village history hall that detail the legendary changes of the village over 70 years. The village's Ulibrary also provides people a tranquil place to read and rest.

Luohu Village in Nanhu has a history of over 600 years. A permanent resident population of more than 7,500, as well as 675 Hong Kong compatriots, live here.

Yuan Ji, a late Chinese painting master, was also born and raised in Luohu Village. In 2015, Luo Hu Runan Industrial Co., Ltd. established Yuan Ji Art Museum to display the genius' original paintings and calligraphy works.

Xiangxi Village is also worth noting. Delicacies are one of the village's hallmarks, with marinated pork trotters, sour soup fish, porridge casserole, and braised duck, among others, making visitors salivate in anticipation.

In addition, among all the villages in Luohu and even in Shenzhen, Xiangxi Village has the most well-preserved historical and cultural heritage. Many of its traditional folk customs were included in Shenzhen's intangible cultural heritage list in 2006. Examples of the local intangible heritage include brides worshiping ancestral temples prior to marriage and making "slat tea" during the Tomb-sweeping Day.

Nanhu also has ancestral temples that people living in Hong Kong, Macao, and overseas often travel to worship at when they return to their hometown.

< Guiyuan Sub-district

Huangbei Sub-district >

Huangbei Sub-district

Located in the southeast of Luohu District, Huangbei Sub-district spreads from Yanfang Road in the east to Wenjin Road in the west and from Shenzhen River in the south to Aiguo Road in the north. Covering an area of 7.5 square kilometers, Huangbei Sub-district contains 10 communities of Xinyi, Xinxing, Xinxiu, Wenhua, Huangbeiling, Luofang, Yijing, Fenghuang, Bibo, and Shuiku. As of July 1, 2021, the sub-district had a population of nearly 190,000.

In the early days of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Huangbei Sub-district had only a few dirt roads and alleys lined with a small number of buildings, makeshift outlets for entrepot traders, and construction sites. Now, dusty roads have become straight boulevards, and crowded urban villages have been replaced by gleaming high-rise buildings.

An example of this rapid development can be found in Huangbeiling, an ancient village with a history of over 550 years in Huangbei Sub-district. Renovations to the village began in 2011 and were completed in 2017. Huangbeiling has since become an urban complex integrating various business forms, which is home to a crisscross of old streets, high-end residential communities, convenient transportation lines, and modern public service facilities.

Huangbeiling is also a gathering place for people across the country to chase their Shenzhen dreams. Different people have different interests in food, which has also driven the need for a variety of delicacies in the area, such as beef hot pot from Guangdong's Shantou city, dumplings typical of northeast China, and noodles from Chongqing.

In Xinxiu Village, residents also live a leisurely life. Beautiful scenery, tasty food, neat apartments, and convenient facilities all give residents a sense of happiness and fulfillment.

There are 19 schools and 28 kindergartens (public and private) in Huangbei Sub-district, including Jingxuan Primary School, Luohu Foreign Language Experimental School, and Luofang Primary School.

Walking around Huangbei Sub-district, people may get a glimpse of local residents' life. There are villagers playing chess in pavilions, children playing football and riding bikes, couples taking walks, and the elderly gently fanning themselves with cattail leaf fans.

Here, people can enjoy themselves at Donghu Park, Shenzhen Reservoir, the Shenzhen Art Museum, and the Luohu Sports and Leisure Park.

< Nanhu Sub-district

Liantang Sub-district >

Liantang Sub-district

Liantang Sub-district is located in the southeast of Luohu District. It spreads from the boundary between Luohu District and Yantian District in the east to Yanfang Road in the west and from the foot of Wutong Mountain in the north to the Liantang section of Shenzhen River in the south. Covering a total area of 12.46 square kilometers, the sub-district contains the eight communities of Lianhua, Aoxia, Pengxing, Liantang, Changling, Xiling, Xianhu, and Panshan. It also has four urban villages with long histories, including Aoxia Village, Liantang Village, Xilingxia Village, and Changling Village.

Liantang Port in the sub-district straddles both sides of the Shenzhen River. As the seventh Shenzhen-Hong Kong cross-border land port built by Shenzhen, Liantang Port is a passenger and cargo port that serves the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It is capable of receiving 30,000 inbound and outbound travelers as well as more than 17,000 vehicles every day.

Aoxia Village here boasts a history of more than 700 years. It transformed from an old industrial zone into one of Shenzhen's internet industrial parks. Liantang (with lian "蓮" and tang "塘" in Chinese, meaning lotus and ponds, respectively) Village was founded in 1727 during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). It got its name from the large pond full of lotus roots in front of the village. With a criss-cross of streets, scattered shops, and a strong atmosphere of life, the village is an ideal place to hire migrant workers living in Luohu.

People here can also visit the Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, which opened to the public in 1988. Covering an area of 546 hectares, it serves multiple functions, including species conservation, scientific research, science popularization, and sightseeing.

In the garden, different scenery greets visitors on every corner. When feeling tired, people can sit on the benches along the roads to take a rest, breathe some fresh air, and take their minds off demanding work and family chores in an environment with lush trees and chirping birds.

As a national AAAA scenic spot, Fairy Lake Botanical Garden was listed as a national key park in 2008.

Xiantong Sports Park is also located in Liantang. A table tennis court, football field, basketball court, tennis court, and beautiful scenery make the park a suitable site for leisure, relaxation, camping, sports, and team building. The park is home to Shenzhen's largest outdoor rock climbing base, which covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters.

Apart from various supermarkets, such as Freshippo, Vanguard, and Carrefour, the village also has many trendy stores, including rooftop barbecues, stylish cafes, and modish pubs.

< Huangbei Sub-district

Donghu Sub-district >

Donghu Sub-district

Overlooking Luohu from the air, Donghu Sub-district in the northeast corner catches the eye. Donghu Sub-district spans a total area of over 29.055 square kilometers, with a built-up area of 8.95 square kilometers. Mountains, forests, and reservoirs cover two-thirds of the area, and forest covers over 800 hectares.

With a coverage of 4.06 square kilometers and 44.96 million cubic meters in storage capacity, Shenzhen Reservoir is the last stop of the Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Diversion Project.

Taking Bus M455 and getting off at the Hengpailing Station, you will see the verdant Wutong Mountain. Wutongshan Community, which is located at the north foot of Wutong Mountain and the upper reach of the Shenzhen Reservoir, covers an area of 2.1 square kilometers. The community consists of seven natural villages, namely, Chishuidong, Maozai, Hangbei, Hetangguang, Tongkengzai, Hengpailing, and Huzhujia.

Wandering in the village, you can stop to have a cup of coffee at the W·GARDEN COFFEE and take nice photos. Several schools are located at the foot of Wutong Mountain, allowing children to breathe fresh air and explore nature.

Red Bridge, also known as Yinfeng Bridge, spanning the Wutongshan River, has also emerged as a popular site. The bridge at the upper stream of the Shenzhen Reservoir is part of the water conservation area, where people can enjoy various activities such as fishing, hiking, cycling, and picnicking.

Dawang Community in northeastern Luohu covers an area of 1.8 square kilometers, with Wutong Mountain to the east, Shawan Road to the west, Shenzhen Reservoir to the south, and the Second Special Zone Line to the north. It consists of three natural villages: Dawang, Xinping, and Xintian, which are home to Dawang North Nursery, Dawang South Nursery, Guihua Road Nursery, and Wutongshan Nursery. Dawang Village, founded during the Qing Dynasty, has a history of more than 400 years.

Dawang Community has made great efforts to protect its ecological environment as it faces Wutong Mountain and Shenzhen Reservoir and supplies water for Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Donghu Sub-district is expected to finish the building of the Donghu Water Plant by 2024, launch a project to ensure the quality of water from Wutong, and build the Zhengkeng Greenway linking the Shenzhen Reservoir and the Zhengkeng Reservoir as part of its efforts to build the Shenzhen Central Ecological Area and sustain its sound natural environment.

< Liantang Sub-district

Dongxiao Sub-district >

Dongxiao Sub-district

Located in the north of Luohu District, Dongxiao Sub-district covers an area of 3.48 square kilometers. It is adjacent to Donghu Sub-district in the east, Qingshuihe Sub-district in the west, Cuizhu Sub-district in the south, and Buji Sub-district of Longgang District in the north. The sub-district has a population of 96,000 people and governs seven communities, namely, Songquan, Ljvjing, Caopudong, Dongxiao, Dushu, Lanhua, and Mumianling. These communities are distributed across four natural villages, namely, Xiawu, Xiawei, Qingshui New, and Xinwuxia.

Dongxiao Sub-district is well-known as being the "vegetable basket" of Luohu District, and its markets are home to a wide variety of products. When it comes to eating seafood, many people like to go to Dongxiao to buy delicious and seasonal varieties. Xincuiyuan Market, located on Wenjin North Road in Luohu District, was built in 1994, covering an area of 10,000 square meters, with 263 stalls. Upgraded and renovated from the original Cuiyuan Market, Xincuiyuan Market opened in January 2020. It was named one of the "Top Ten Model Markets" in Shenzhen. As one of the three major wholesale markets in Dongxiao Sub-district, Xincuiyuan Market's Fenghu Fruit Distribution Center has more than 200 fruit shops.

The ninth Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture concluded on March 26 in Shenzhen's Luohu District. The main venue of the exhibition took place in Dongxiao Sub-district. Themed "urban cosmologies," the event featured 239 works from 318 artists from 15 countries and regions and focused on Shenzhen's visions and actions against the backdrop of carbon emissions reduction.

More than 200 activities were held during the two-week event, attracting more than 650,000 visitors to its main exhibition venue and more than 550 million viewers online.

The first Shenzhen Tee Mall in the sub-district aims to create a diversified shopping center, integrating catering, shopping, entertainment, hands-on experiences, and other business formats. Covering 120,000 square meters, the shopping mall provides people with various consumption options, including visiting exhibitions, shopping, leisure activities, and visiting gardens. It has been a popular site since December 2022.

< Donghu Sub-district

Qingshuihe Sub-district >

Qingshuihe Sub-district

It is said that there are more than 1,000 urban villages in Shenzhen, which accommodate over half of the city's population and harbor a myriad of life and urban vitality. Getting off at the Caopu Subway Station, you can reach Qingshuihe Village, where you can also travel to two other natural villages of Zhangshe and Hewei. Some of the residents of these areas speak Hakka dialect.

Zhangshe Village, established in the early Qing Dynasty, was named after nearby camphor trees, pronounced zhang in Chinese. Therefore, the village was named "Zhangshe," also known as Zhanggongshe. Qingshuihe Village and Hewei Village were built during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. Qingshuihe (meaning "clear river" in English) Village got its name because of the clear water found in the village's nearby river. The name of Hewei Village comes from the many lotus and banyan trees on the mountain behind the village, which attract thousands of white cranes to nest and live in the surrounding forest.

Qingxiu Primary School, located on Qingshuihe Commercial Street, was founded in September 2003. As an affordable private school approved by the Luohu District Education Bureau in Shenzhen, it was established to ensure school enrollment for children of migrant workers in the city.

Located at 112 Qingshuihe 1st Road, Qingshuihe Street, Luohu District, the Shenzhen Industrial Railway Station boasts a history of more than 80 years. In 1962, trains from Wuhan, Shanghai, and Zhengzhou to Hong Kong via Shenzhen transported agricultural products into Hong Kong. The station continued to help transport food to Hong Kong until 2010 before being renovated into Qingshuihe Railway Park.

Two parks, Honggang Park and Xiangxilin Park, in Qingshuihe Sub-district are suitable for wandering and taking in the sights. Built in 2007, Honggang Park covers an area of 281,200 square meters and has two hills, namely the 64.1-meter-high Dongma Hill and the 87.2-meter-high Xima Hill. There are more than 5,000 tall trees in the park, with a greening area of up to 90,000 square meters. The park is full of lush mountains and thriving vitality. A 1.2-kilometer running track featuring astrological patterns was built in Honggang Park in 2021, with various kinds of flowers alongside it.

The "love-themed" Xiangsilin Park has two hiking routes consisting of stairs and slopes, respectively. Opposite the western gate of the park, a greenway around the Huanyinghu Reservoir snakes for 1,845 meters beside the river. Along the greenway are a 1,544-meter-long running track, a 1,287-meter-long wooden track, and two scenic pavilions. A stone stairway from Xiangshou Square leads to the Yinhushan Greenway, which spans 8,500 meters across the four districts of Luohu, Longhua, Longgang, and Futian. It is an excellent option for hiking, running, and cycling.

Qingshuihe Sub-district will become an important area integrating Wutong Emerging Industrial Belt and Hongling Emerging Financial Industrial Belt. It also serves as an important hub for the scientific and technological innovations of Guangdong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Macao.

The Luohu North Railway Station, located in this sub-district, is another of Shenzhen's Transit-Oriented Development hubs. The Luohu North Railway Station will bring together the Shenzhen-Shanwei Railway, the Shenzhen-Shanwei Inter-City Railway, and metro lines 14, 17, and 25, as well as connecting transportation facilities. The station will seamlessly connect three stations, high-speed rail, inter-city rail, and metro lines, for convenient transfers.

Luohu will leverage the layout of high-speed rail, inter-city rail, and metro lines in the Qingshuihe area to develop industries such as software and information services, life sciences and health, artificial intelligence, and new materials. It aims to create an innovative and leading highland for emerging industries and a new engine for future economic growth in Luohu District. It also strives to build a first-class urban area and become a smart center with beautiful mountains and waters.

< Dongxiao Sub-district

Cuizhu Sub-district >

Cuizhu Sub-district

Cuizhu Sub-district is located in the central part of Luohu District, extending from Aiguo Road in the east to Wenjin Road in the west and stretching south to the intersection of Aiguo Road and Wenjin Road and north to Buxin Road. Covering a total area of 3.446 square kilometers, the sub-district includes 11 communities, including Cuizhu, Mutoulong, Xincun, Minxin, and Shuibei.

Cuizhu Sub-district offers residents and visitors a great leisurely lifestyle. Visitors can first enjoy rice noodle rolls, a local delicacy, for breakfast before taking a refreshing walk among the green trees in Cuizhu Park. In the afternoon, they can taste various yummy local delicacies such as sticky rice cake, lotus root soup, rice noodles, and various types of barbecue.

Apart from these, the most thrilling aspect of the Cuizhu Sub-district is its jewelry industry. The Shenzhen Jewelry Museum, the first public museum in China dedicated to jewelry, is located on the third and fourth floors of the Jinzhan Jewelry Plaza on Shuibei Yilu in Luohu District, covering an area of approximately 2,610 square meters. There are five permanent exhibition halls in the museum.

Shuibei Village, one of Shenzhen's oldest villages, has a history of more than 612 years. "Sanlai Yibu," Shenzhen's first jewelry company, was established in the village in 1981 and was a pioneer of the city's jewelry industry. Shuibei is renowned for its jewelry industry and is a must-know place for people working in this field. As China's largest gold and jewelry industrial cluster, Shuibei boasts more than 1,000 enterprises relating to gold and jewelry design, production, and relevant fields.

Jinzhan Jewelry Square, consisting of a commercial area, jewelry demonstration area, and the Shenzhen Jewelry Museum, attracts more than 5 million visitors annually. Shuibei is appealing to both consumers and jewelry designers due to its innovative and creative facilities.

Having previously produced jewelry for brands all over the world, Shuibei now has its own production and industrial chains as well as excellent designers. Advantages, such as industrial clusters, business environment, academic support, and talent policies, have attracted young designers to live and work here.

< Qingshuihe Sub-district

Dongmen Sub-district >

Dongmen Sub-district

Dongmen Sub-district Office was one of the earliest sub-district offices established in Shenzhen and its predecessor was the Renmin Road Sub-district Office, which was founded in October 1979. From a birds-eye view, you can see how Dongmen sub-district extends from Wenjin Middle Road and connects with Huangbei Street, while to the west, it reaches Jian She Road and Renmin Gongyuan Road, adjacent to Guiguan Street. To the south, it borders Shennan East Road, adjoining Nanhu Street, and to the north, it runs along Sungang Road, facing Sungang Street. Dongmen Sub-district includes seven communities, namely, Chengdong, Dongmen, Hubi, Hurong, Huachang, Lixin, and Luoling. About 135,000 people live in the sub-district, which has a total area of 2.1 square kilometers.

Dongmen Sub-district dates back to Shenzhen Xu (Xu means "market" in English) in the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) when local people came here to buy produce at its rural market. In 1979, Shenzhen was established, with its name being derived from Shenzhen Xu, which later became present-day Dongmen Pedestrian Street. This area therefore gave birth to the thriving and innovative modern commercial culture of Shenzhen.

Located at No. 529 South Block, Hubei Old Village, Luohu District, the Zhang Gong Ancestral Temple was built in the late Ming Dynasty and was named after Zhang Huaiyue, the 13th generation ancestor of the Zhang family in Hubei Village. It is a branch of the ancestral temples of Shenzhen's Zhang clan. The temple was rebuilt in 1804 and renovated again in 1935. In 2000, it was repaired again with funds raised by the Hubei Company.

The temple faces south and sits on a north-south axis. It has a brick and wood structure, with three bays and two courtyards arranged in a symmetrical layout. Along the central axis, there is a front hall, a courtyard, two side corridors, a brick archway, a rear courtyard, and an ancestral hall. The total building area is 433 square meters. Since its construction in the late Ming Dynasty, the temple has witnessed the changes and transformations of Hubei Village and Shenzhen Xu over the centuries.

The Hubei area is currently undergoing renovation, and the ancient village will take on a new look and embark on a new journey. The Shenzhen Elementary School, located at No. 2171 Renmin North Road in Luohu District, and with a history of more than 110 years, is like a small museum presenting the profound history and culture it has witnessed. At present, Shenzhen Elementary School's northern campus has been put into use, and the ancient school features brand-new buildings for teaching.

In September 2020, the Shenzhen Middle School's new campus began to receive students and teachers. The red buildings there, typical of local features, have gained popularity among local people.

Shenzhen Middle School was established in 1947 at No. 18 Shenzhen Street. During its more than 70-year history, the school has changed location and name many times but still boasts a surrounding of lush trees and colorful blossoms.

Luohu District's Jiefang Road, where Shenzhen's earliest commercial center was located, represents the city's commercial prosperity. For example, the first McDonald's in the Chinese mainland was located at No. 2046 Jiefang Road.

Located at No. 55 Yongxin Street, Jiefang Road, the well-established Shenzhen Xin'an Hotel brand has witnessed the development of Shenzhen's tourism and service industries. Entrepreneurs in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, local residents, as well as people from Hong Kong and Macao like to stay at the hotel for travel and business trips. Jiefang Road also boasts two 116-year-old banyan trees, which have borne witness to the development of the city.

Built in 1960, the Shenzhen Theater was the city's first art venue and has attracted opera lovers for decades. It was hailed by Zhou Enlai as China's first theater to have a VIP lounge and air conditioners. The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone's first foreign investment deal was made at the theater.

Shenzhen Theater provides various kinds of performances, such as traditional opera like Beijing Opera and Kun Opera, as well as theatrical dramas and concerts. Online performances are available through the "Shenzhen Theater" WeChat Public Account. To provide audiences with a better theatrical experience, the theater was renovated several times between 2012 and 2020.

Dongmen Pedestrian Street has various shopping centers and restaurant brands. It was listed as a national commercial pedestrian street project, the only one in Shenzhen. Currently undergoing renovation, the street will become a national-level commercial street and a world-class consumption area.

Dongmen Sub-district boasts not only ancient architecture but also innovative buildings. Here you can feel the warmth of local daily life and meet those who strive to pursue their dreams here in Shenzhen.

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